Trancheff named Interim Fire Chief in Greenwood Special Meeting
Maus sputters and Bassing mutters as those aligned with last year’s board continue their nearly year-long attempts to stall, dispute, and obstruct the current majority.
By Staff
A special township meeting was called by Chair Roskoski and Supervisor Gilbert to begin at 5 p.m. Thursday, Jan.2nd in the Greenwood Town Hall. Present were Lois Roskoski, Chair; John Bassing, Supervisor; Jim Skubic, Vice Chair; Greg Gilbert, Supervisor 3. Jeff Maus, Treasurer, and Deputy Treasurer JoAnn Bassing joined the group via teleconference.
Roskoski began the meeting by stating that this was a special meeting and by law, only the business on the agenda could be addressed and there would be no comments from the audience.
First up on the agenda was the embattled Fire Chief’s (Jeff Maus) notice of medical leave. The board had received a notice on Dec. 20th from Maus’ doctor that he was to be relieved from duty through January 22, 2025.
Maus alleged he had been working on administrative duties through December and was still doing so, and that his doctor was now allowing him limited duties. He also stated that one of the captains could not be appointed Fire Chief.
Roskoski had received no such information, only the doctor’s letter of the 20th and, staying with the agenda, she read from the Personnel Policy the statement regarding leave that said if the Fire Chief was unable to fulfill his duties, the Fire Captain may be appointed Interim Chief. The motion was made and seconded that Captain Brian Trancheff be appointed Chief until Maus could return to full duties. It passed 2 to 1, Gilbert abstaining, Bassing against.
Next, the salary was decided by a 3 to 1 vote, Bassing against. Maus would receive Chief’s pay for December. January would be prorated with Trancheff receiving Chief’s pay until Maus returned.
The required training schedule for Fire Department/EMS employees was passed with a 3 to 1 vote. Fire training will be held the first and third Thursday of the month at 6 p.m., and EMS training will be the second Wednesday at 6 p.m. Northern Health & Fitness will be contacted for annual physicals.
Firefighters Certification Certificates were again requested. The firefighters/EMS who do not have a Certification Certificate for level 1 and 2 on file will be notified that they must abstain from duties that require a Certification Certificate.
The final item on the agenda to be covered was the request for the Deputy Treasurer, JoAnn Bassing to provide financial information for the preparation of the 2026 Budget. Despite this, Ms. Bassing said the information was usually provided at the Annual Meeting in March.
It was further explained to Ms. Bassing that he information is needed is not the budget itself, but to prepare the budget to be presented at the Annual Meeting. Both Maus and Ms. Bassing then reacted, both shouting for a the applicable statute number.
But Roskoski again referenced policy that stated the Board had the right to request financial information from the treasurer. A motion was passed 3 to 1 (Mr. Bassing against) that the financials were to be made available next week.
Overheard from Ms. Bassing just before adjournment, she muttered: “I have until March to do that.”