LETTER: Supports Bradach, Thompson, and Option B
Letter to the Editor:
We support Steve Bradach for Greenwood Township Supervisor and Paul Thompson for Treasurer as well as Option B. Option B means the five elected supervisors of Greenwood Township will interview and hire the Treasurer and Clerk.
First we know Steve and Paul as good neighbors. We read a definition that good neighbors are considerate, respectful, helpful and willing to assist when needed. We find this to be true of both Steve and Paul and we think these characteristics will carry over to their positions at Greenwood Township.
While Steve would be new to the board he is not new to Greenwood Township. He has been coming to Lake Vermilion beginning with visits to the family cabin on Birch Point as an infant. In 1991 he purchased property on Isle of Pines. Steve will bring impressive governance skills to his position. He served on the Biwabik City Council for eight years and was the mayor for two years. Steve is analytical (he has a degree in civil engineering), even-handed and is willing to listen to opposing viewpoints.
Paul has become very involved in Greenwood Township as an advocate for outdoor recreation including pickleball and bocce ball. He chaired the committee which did the fundraising and then supervised the construction of the new pickleball courts. He has become a regular at township meetings. If Option B is adopted Paul will be in a unique position. If he becomes the Treasurer he may not fulfill the position since it will be filled by the township board. Yet he advocates for Option B because he thinks it is the right thing for our township.
Our thinking has changed over the years on Option B, having voted against it before. Recently, we decided we feel more comfortable with the Treasurer and Clerk being accountable to the board. The positions will be posted and filled using state statutes and professional guidelines. If the persons hired do not fulfill their duties the board may remove them. We feel like we will still have our voices heard since we vote for the supervisors.
Please vote on March 11th (or absentee before then) for Steve Bradach for Supervisor, Paul Thompson for Treasurer and for Option B.
Peter and Elaine McGillivray
Greenwood Township