Socialists in action: It’s all about control, not compassion.
Socialists are nothing if not control freaks. Before they can enslave the masses, they first must gain absolute control over the masses. This is done by degrees over time until, at some point, they can come at you from all directions and overwhelm you with a boatload of cultural changes. Although a greater understanding of this can be gained by examining how other countries fell to socialism, we need only look at what is already going on around us over the last four years or so. (WebEd – This is funny, coming from religious conservatives who want to ban people from bathrooms, ban books from library shelves, remove sound science from school curriculum because it disagrees with their world view, and control women’s reproductive rights. They want to decide for you how you can teach your children, and when you can decide not to have children, in the guise of trying to protect your children. They want parents to decide their children’s curriculum, unless they don’t agree with the curriculum those parents want to teach their kids. Religious conservatives are nothing if not control freaks who cannot handle the reality that people are different from them and perfectly happy about being so, and those people can get along in spite of it.)
Writers of news stories about mining that use terms like “sulfide mining” or “copper sulfide” mining betray not only the writers’—and news outlets’—political bias, but also their ignorance.
First of all, NewRange Copper Nickel (formerly Polymet) and Twin Metals will most definitely not be mining for sulfides, however they will be mining for copper and other metals. Sulfides are merely a concomitant.
Secondly, there are sulfides everywhere—in the air we (sometimes) breathe (sulfide gases are heavier than air), in the water we drink, and even in your own backyard organic garden. And since sulfides are so ubiquitous in the global environment, I doubt that anyone would invest in a mining operation to extract a major sulfide lode.
The big question as it pertains to mining is whether the sulfides are water soluble or insoluble. If they are water soluble, then they might be a threat. Of course, there are already water soluble sulfides present in all waters on this planet, but that would be something the Twin Cities-based Friends of the Boundary Waters or the California-based Sierra Club would want to mention. Never mind that these “friends” neither live nor work as our neighbors in northeastern Minnesota—it’s all about control. To gain control, socialists cannot allow the populace to prosper. The greater the prosperity, the greater the freedom, and free people are hard to control.
The alkali metals and alkaline-earth metals are the only sulfides that have any appreciable water solubility and that appear to be primarily ionic. In contrast, the sulfides of the copper and zinc families are some of the least-soluble compounds known—and are easily separated in tmining processes. But even if they couldn’t separate them, they would not present any toxicity to our drinking water—or to the Boundary Waters—since they are the least-soluble of all.
Folks, these “journalists” are the same imbeciles that say CO2 causes global temperatures to rise when, in reality, the reverse is true: warm global temperatures cause higher levels of CO2. So then, here’s a breaking story for those “news” dispensers: temperatures on earth are warmed directly from … the sun.
As long as we’re exposing media myths, according to the most recent surveys, most Minnesotans (74%) are people of faith. So, you’d think it would be a major news story when one-third of the DFL trifecta in last Thursday’s session leveled attacks and insults against people of faith and flat out refused to exempt their churches and organizations from hiring those of “gender identity” in a law passed during the 2023 legislative session.
By the way, Thursday’s DFL outburst went unreported by all Minnesota news media except one—Alpha News, from which we gleaned our story (see Page 6).
By statute in Minnesota, religious and faith organizations have long been exempt from being forced to hire individuals whose practiced lifestyles contradict the tenets of their belief systems. After all, the freedom of religion from government intrusion is plainly stated in the very first clause in the First Amendment.
But Minnesota Democrats, like those in our nation’s Capital, feel they are above the highest law of the land, and they erupted with the worst hate speech ever heard in a state meeting after Rep. Harry Niska’s introduction of an amendment to remedy the DFL law’s conflict with Minnesota statutory law. Also, the chair of the Judiciary Committee, Democrat Rep. Jamie Becker, put it bluntly to Rep. Niska, “I can say as a legislator it was not an oversight.”
Three lessons can be taken from this event:
- If you study all that was passed by the state’s DFL trifecta in 2023 and so far in 2024, you will notice that more of it was diametrically opposed to biblical standards that the overwhelming majority of Minnesotans live by and believe in;
- They do that under the guise of “protecting” those who claim “gender identity” from the rest of us. But the facts are that transgenders do not suffer any persecution or violence from non-trans people. Nearly 100 percent of violence and sexual assault against transgender youth are suffered at the hands of other transgenders, homosexuals, and similar members of “protected classes”; and
- Failing to win over people who believe in and live according to a moral code by dispensing misleading propaganda, they instead legislate, creating new laws with the intent to force us to abandon our beliefs out of fear and intimidation, and thereby gain more control over our lives.
These are but two examples—as I am sure you are aware, there are many more crazy events that happen with increasing speed. Do you ever have the feeling that we are living close to the end of time, that our planet is living in the last days?
Whether you do or not, I think you might agree that we could be living in our last days as a democratically free republic. Policy matters; elections have consequences—if we make it as far as this year’s most-important-of-all elections, think about all the local, state, and national candidates that will be on the ballot. Do you know their backgrounds? Some are control freaks whose overriding goal is to micro-manage—and ultimately control—your life. And they’ll be wanting more of your money and, ultimately, your compliance.
For whom will you vote?
One final note …
Scientists warn that the Earth could run out of conspiracy theories by 2025 if they keep coming true at the current rate.