LETTER: Levies
In 2014, Greenwood had $1.34 million in reserves due to some needlessly high levies. I can’t think of a situation or event that would require an immediate drawdown of Township funds over which it has on hand. With the exception of a $100,000 levy in 2016 and a one dollar levy, yes one dollar in 2017, Greenwood residents have approved a $150,000 levy or less over the last 10 years. For nearly a decade, the township has responsibly used funds the residents have approved at the annual meeting. So much so that we currently have nearly $500,000 invested in CDs with ample operating funds available.
This year the budget process has a proposed a slight increase in the levy from that original 2015 levy to $175,000 due to the long overdue repaving of the parking lot. Another important issue and an even longer overdue project is the repair of Township Road 4136, more commonly known as the Birch Point extension. By the nature of the road itself, the lay of the land if you will, there is no snap your fingers, and it’s fixed remedy at hand. The current board has been researching what the next steps will be to move those repairs forward. As more information is gained it’ll be brought forward in future board meetings. The Township election is on March 12 with two supervisor seats expiring. I would hope you’ve noticed that one of the challengers shows intent to bring that $1.34 million in reserves back into play for reasons known only to the candidate. No explanation has been given as to why the additional surplus funds are even necessary. The State Auditor recommends that the township should have 35% to 50% of its annual expenditures in surplus non-dedicated funds. Clearly Greenwood exceeds that recommendation. Please keep in mind that the major assets of Greenwood Township are covered by insurance and there are processes available to the township to cover any expenditures above and beyond what we currently have in reserve. I see a lack of understanding by the candidate of the reasons that lead to the reorganization of the fire department, as the candidate has only recently been attending board meetings. The same can be said for how the ambulance replacement fund works and what seems to be the lack of how an indemnification agreement in the contract with the Tower Area Ambulance Service creates risks to Greenwood Township. The candidate is correct in the statement Greenwood can’t “seek a better” ambulance service provider on its own. That process has been well publicized over the past 2 years and has been a major component of the dialogue in the township’s pursuit in obtaining paramedic ambulance service for our growing and aging community from its inception. I’m hopeful the voters of Greenwood Township will take the time to exercise their right to vote. What’s even more beneficial to the voters is attending the annual meeting on election night. This is your opportunity to bring your ideas and concerns forward by voicing and voting your intentions for the coming year. It is without doubt that there are Township issues at hand that will affect all the residents going forward. I feel that that your votes for the current and experienced board to allow it to continue its work in is in the best interests of the Township.
Rick Stoehr
Breezy Point Road