LETTER: Writer takes issue with Drobac comments

LETTER: Writer takes issue with Drobac comments

I am writing in response to a letter distributed by Sue Drobac to residents of Greenwood Township this past week.  

  I am disappointed in her comments about the Fire Department. When Sue was a board member she made the motion to dismiss the former fire department leadership which resulted in the destruction of the remaining department leaving us with a shell department today. She also states in her letter this week that we now have a fire department that is running smoothly. This is the farthest from the truth. We are now down to 4 fire fighters after the most recent firing of the fire chief. This is not fair to our 4 remaining members who cannot do this all on their own. They need the full support of the Township Board members.

  Sue is really missing the point…If Greenwood Township does not take drastic measures to increase our fire department membership, we as taxpayers will be penalized by our insurance companies, due to our ISO (Insurance Services Office) rating. Currently Greenwood Township has a rating of 7. Without a fire department our rating goes to 10.

  So how does this affect you?  I asked my insurance agent this week to see what the ramifications of not having a fire department would be and I was told that my premiums will go up an additional $600/year. This insurance premium increase of mine would be 4 times what I currently pay in Greenwood Township property taxes. Sue’s unprofessional and irrational behavior by stating that the firefighters were AT WILL employees was not the right decision for us.

  We as a community, and a functioning board, need to regain the trust of our firefighters, employees and citizens. And there is no question…WE NEED OUR FIREFIGHTERS.

  Lastly, she states we need to keep our levy down. I couldn’t agree more. But being fiscally responsible in maintaining the assets of the Township comes at a cost. You must maintain your assets (both people and buildings). And you must do it with respect.

Please come out and vote next Tuesday, March 11th from 7 am-8 pm at the Greenwood Town Hall.  

Greenwood Township needs you.

Thank you.

Steve Bradach,

Supervisor candidate

Greenwood Township