LETTER: Forward, or Fear
We have less than a week before we make important choices at the polls. It benefits us to be as informed as possible before making our checks on the ballot.
Option B has become the choice of the larger townships in Minnesota. Hundreds of townships have adopted it, seven added last year. Others like Greenwood and Biwabik townships, are voting this year. The majority of St. Louis County’s larger townships are already Option B, and report the benefits it brings. None have reversed course. It is not “little used and controversial” as opponents claim in their ads and letters.
Option B will convert the current elected treasurer and clerk roles into staff positions hired by the township. The politics that impacts elected roles disappears, along with the “cronyism” we’ve observed in Greenwood’s recent past. Instead of aligning with board allies and positioning for re-election every two years, our hired clerk and treasurer will focus their efforts on job performance. That’s a 29% reduction in the number of politicians, and a huge step forward in actually getting the township’s business done.
The opponents to Option B grasp at any reason to reject it. They argue Option B has failed twice before. It has, and for one very obvious reason. Lack of information. It’s very difficult, at a township level, to get information to the public if they are not actively participating in Township politics. We’ve written articles in the papers, sent postcards, put up signage, and conducted meet and greet sessions. All with the intent of increasing awareness of Option B. The Minnesota Township form of government was established in 1787. Option B is one small part of a long evolutionary process.
The opponents of Option B are trying to scare us from progress. They claim we “lose our right to vote”. They tell us the supervisors (we elected) are incapable of hiring a clerk and treasurer, while at the same time they are hiring a fire chief, emergency medical staff, contractors and others. With Option B, we choose to have our supervisors hire a capable clerk and treasurer. We then hold them accountable, as we do for their other decisions. We gain capable dedicated public employees, free from the burden of repeated elections. Performance becomes the basis of retention.
Opponents claim Option B leads to “cronyism”. The opposite is true! The number one reason townships adopt Option B is to rid themselves of “cronyism”, and the dysfunction accompanying it.
The most vocal opponents of Option B keep speaking of loss. In reality, the loss they fear is their own diminished power. They fear the loss of influence, and the ability to promote their personal agendas at the continued expense our community. They fear trading power for cooperation.
Late last year when I become involved with promoting Option B, I had one purpose in mind. I hoped by bringing a spirit of cooperation, civility and hard work I could help get our community on a positive path forward. It’s the same spirit I brought to our pickleball project last year. I’ve worked hard to stay on point, talk about my vision, and focus on explaining the sensibilities of Option B. Please, take a good look at the possibilities for Option B. Then weigh it against the option of continuing down the same path we’ve been on. Make your decision March 11th. Get out and Vote!
Paul Thompson