LETTER: Former Board chair corrects area newspaper report
To the Editor
I had a letter all set to submit in support of candidates Paul Thompson, Steve Bradach, and Option B, all of which I continue to support, however, I am compelled to respond to recent items published in the February 21 edition of the Timberjay.
The Article titled, Board Fires Jeff Maus, has the basic factual information, however, it is presented in such a way to make Chief Maus as a victim.
After Supervisor Drobac, with support from Supervisors Lofquist and Stoehr, destroyed the very successful Greenwood Fire Department and seated their compadre, Maus, into the leadership roll, and then terminated most of the remaining department under the guise of “voluntary quit.” Additionally, the reason for the termination was, and I quote Chair Drobac, “We don’t need a reason so I will just put it out there.” Supervisor Skubic and myself were against the termination of department leadership and the hiring of Maus. At the time Maus had two outstanding claims against the township, (DOLI claim number 20210154 filed 04/21/2021 and claim number 20210296 filed 08/14/2021) neither of which have been settled to date. He also filed 4 prior claims which were all dismissed as invalid. These frivolous claims cost the taxpayers of Greenwood considerable dollars to defend and added to the overall ongoing insurance costs for the Township.
The Timberjay article states that Maus has recruited more EMRs and firefighters. When asked in writing for a roster of department members and their certification levels, his response was that is not the department policy to provide that information. How can that be? That question has remained unanswered for over a year and still is unknown. Is it because the department is lacking membership in both areas? You can certainly state that he worked to recruit more members when you begin with virtually none. The article states Maus can refute most of the allegations against him. Really? How do you refute when there has been no MNDOT inspections on the trucks? How do you refute that the meds in the supply cabinet and on the trucks were expired and needed to be thrown out? How do refute the fact that you lost your personal response kit and just removed another from a truck without acknowledging it? The current board majority did everything correctly from acknowledging the allegations, hiring outside counsel to investigate, and then terminating the Chief. The township is better for it!
The other piece in the same edition is the letter from Mr. Bassing. Once again Supervisor Bassing’s ethics come into question. Yes, all information on the filing affidavit is public information. Township policy is to receive the information from the clerk, the official keeper of information. Supervisor Bassing did not receive this from the clerk, so how did he come into possession? Supervisors have no reason to access the Clerk/Treasurer office, so who provided this information to him? Why did supervisor Bassing refuse to respond to the allegations when presented, but instead chose to laugh it off? Who is he covering for? This is not the first time Supervisor Basing’s ethics have come to question! Claiming there is an Open Meeting violation and then sitting through it anyway or, also, falsely claiming an open meeting violation and walking out, taking Supervisor Stoehr with him, and convincing Treasurer Maus (who had no reason) to leave as well.
It is time the township moves on from the petty personal agendas of recent supervisors. Supervisor Skubic has been a steady rock through the years. The election of Chair Roskoski and Supervisor Gilbert has brought common sense to the board majority. Candidate Bradach will add considerable governmental experience and common sense to the Board of Supervisors. Candidate Thompson brings a vast area of both financial knowledge and leadership skills to the current dysfunctional treasurer’s position.
With the passage of Option B the board will be able to develop a job description, advertise, and select a qualified candidate for the Treasurer’s position this year and end the popularity contest.
Greenwood Township taxpayers deserve this!
Please vote on March 11 and attend the Township annual meeting and vote Thompson, Bradach, and Option B.
Mike Ralston
Former Board Supervisor