Lake Vermilion Area Trail Report - March 7, 2025

Lake Vermilion Area Trail Report – March 7, 2025

By Brad Dekkers  Assistant Area Supervisor | Parks and Trails I Department of Natural Resources
We are solidly into Spring-like trail conditions, meaning warm afternoon sun and below-freezing mornings. With those conditions and the thin trail base on our trails, the amount of exposed ground throughout the trails is rapidly increasing. Grooming remains at a stand-still unless we get at least 6”-10” of new snow. Despite that, in those locations where snow remains, the warm afternoon sun evens out the trail surfaces pretty well even though they are not being groomed.
To summarize, trail conditions are declining, but there is still some decent riding to be found. Overall trail condition is poor. There remain a number of timber sales using or crossing the trails, especially as one rides north of Orr, and lakes and rivers are opening up in places where there is current.
Remind riders to travel with more than normal caution as these conditions continue. Also remind riders that No Motorized vehicles except snowmobiles are allowed on State Trails and Grant in Aid snowmobile trails.