Opinion – Letters Editor's note: Editor’s note: Due to the sensitive nature in portions of Steve Altenburg’s factual and accurate report on Tower’s dysfunctional fire department, the article has been removed from our website. I thought ‘Hamilton’ was for America. I was wrong. I thought ‘Hamilton’ was for America. I was wrong. What a fool I was to ever believe. LETTER: Writer takes issue with Drobac comments LETTER: Writer takes issue with Drobac comments We as a community, and a functioning board, need to regain the trust of our firefighters, employees and citizens. And there is no question…WE NEED OUR FIREFIGHTERS. LETTER: WHAT!? LETTER: WHAT!? In response to the misinformation that Sue Drobac gave to the Timberjay in her interview stating … LETTER: Forward, or Fear LETTER: Forward, or Fear The most vocal opponents of Option B keep speaking of loss. In reality, the loss they fear is their own diminished power. LETTER: Supports Bradach, Thompson, and Option B LETTER: Supports Bradach, Thompson, and Option B Our thinking has changed over the years on Option B, having voted against it before. Zelenskyy goes to town, behaves like spoiled child Zelenskyy goes to town, behaves like spoiled child Trump, Vance shut Ukrainian leader down. And the Left is apoplectic about it. LETTER: In support of Option B LETTER: In support of Option B The duties of township treasurer and town clerk are far too important to be a personality contest. LETTER: Former Board chair corrects area newspaper report LETTER: Former Board chair corrects area newspaper report The Article titled, ‘Board Fires Jeff Maus,’ has the basic factual information, however … LETTER: Former treasurer supports Option B LETTER: Former treasurer supports Option B The current treasurer and his deputy have made it very clear that they have no intention of cooperating with the board or clerk. The astonishing first week of the second Trump term The astonishing first week of the second Trump term The first nonconsecutive two-term president in over 130 years artfully took a sledgehammer to the entire Obama-Biden era legacy LETTER: Ambulance: What's next? LETTER: Ambulance: What’s next? I believe that we are missing out on a very viable opportunity that has been put forth by the EBCH/SafeTechSolutions plan … Birthright citizenship: Game on! Birthright citizenship: Game on! Commentary by John C. Eastman. The 14th Amendment does not confer automatic citizenship. lhan Omar proves why some foreigners should never be allowed to hold U.S. office lhan Omar proves why some foreigners should never be allowed to hold U.S. office Commentary by Brianna Lyman. Somali-born Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar decided to lecture Americans on Wednesday … LETTER: Vote for Option B and hire qualified candidates LETTER: Vote for Option B and hire qualified candidates Commentary by Paul Thompson. The decision of whether to adopt Option B is left to voters. Given Greenwood Township’s tumultuous history and refusal of prior officers to stay in their lanes … LETTER: Greenwood, It's time to wake-up! LETTER: Greenwood, It’s time to wake-up! After reading my friend John Bassing’s letter refuting Lois Roskoski’s recommendations and ideas, I felt attacked again when he gave his side of the past Fire Department issues regarding the Township Board’s unjustified firing of our Chief, and Assistant Chief … LETTER: Dismayed, but not surprised LETTER: Dismayed, but not surprised As a former supervisor and board chair, I’m dismayed but not surprised, to see the attack ads and letters directed at Lois Roskoski from current board members, written by current board members … LETTER: Levies LETTER: Levies In 2014, Greenwood had $1.34 million in reserves due to some needlessly high levies. LETTER: Let’s keep the same people LETTER: Let’s keep the same people After a number of years of being embarrassed to admit I was from Greenwood Township …