Breitung joins RAMS
Also, the township board published its sewer ordinance emphasizing ban on sump pumps draining into public sewers to help flood mitigation.
By Terry Carlson
SOUDAN, Minn./February 20, 2025/—Breitung Township has now joined some 67 Iron Range cities, townships, and school districts by agreeing to become a member of the Range Association of Municipalities (RAMS).
The February regular board meeting Thursday evening was accentuated by a pitch delivered by the RAMS organization’s executive director, Steve Peltier, whose presentation provided a detailed summary of the services provided by the organization and its Range First priorities which run the gamut of services from assisting local governments with capital investments and bonding, to education, to rural health care and emergency services, to permitting reform and energy, along with a brief history of RAMs which dates back to 1939.
Who could resist? The board approved unanimously, 3-0.
In old infrastructure business:
- The board reported that there has been no change in the 2025 infrastructure project which has been deferred until April.
- Other than a few outstanding pay estimates, the 2022 and 2023 infrastructure projects have been completed.
- The funding report for the McKinley Park Loop is not due until the end of April.
- MnDOT wants a 200-foot bypass lane on Highway 169 (for left turns) added to the Thompson Farm Road project. The project already has a right turn lane for traffic going in the opposite direction. Board Chair Tim Tomsich speculated that the addition of the bypass lane to the project would probably need a funding adjustment.
The Flood/FEMA process seems to finally be moving along smoothly. Town Clerk Amber Zak said she’s expecting $150,000 from FEMA, adding that the Stuntz Bay Road and McKinley Park bike trail requests have yet to be sent, as she’s waiting for the quote from Mesabi Bituminous.
Supervisor Matt Tuchel reported that the Wastewater Board met Tuesday and needs to have an archeological report done which should commence in September.
The board published the sewer ordinance (Ordinance Number 90-03A) and the discussion highlighted the requirement that lateral sump pump water lines should not go into the public sewer, a problem that exacerbated the June flooding. The Board agreed that a penalty of $50 per month would be assessed to the property owner for noncompliance, and, after 2 years, the penalty would go up to $100 per month. If the property owner refused to pay the penalties, the board said it would follow state law procedures for collection.
In other business:
- The board approved Defensive Tactics Training in Hackensack for Police Chief Dan Reing, who noted that he must recertify every two years.
- The board voted unanimously to hire a parttime applicant. The required background investigations have been completed.
- Chief Reing described the advantages of a truck over an SUV for the necessary squad replacement and provided the specs for two separate trucks that were available for order through Lundgren’s in Eveleth. Chair Tomsich requested a quote.
- The board wants to know the bidding process for a fire truck replacement based on an estimate received.
- The board reviewed a bid for fire department turnout gear and will check to see if MATS requires a second bid. the equipment is at least ten years old and needs to be replaced.
- The board approved the fire department’s 75th Anniversary Party slated for some time in April.
- The board chose to stay with the $250 deductible for the LMCIT Workers Compensation coverage.
- The Board opted not to waive the monetary limits on the LMC municipal tort liability coverage.
Upcoming board meetings
- Board of Canvass: March 11th, immediately following the Township Day election (8:30 p.m.).
- Annual Electors Meeting: March 11th, immediately following the Board of Canvass.
- First Alternate Date, in case of inclement weather: March 18th, 6:00 p.m.
- Second Alternate Date, in case of inclement weather: March 25th, 6:00 p.m. (approved tonight, 3-0).