Greenwood: It's time to wake-up!

Greenwood: It’s time to wake-up!

After reading my friend John Bassing’s letter refuting Lois Roskoski’s recommendations and ideas, I felt attacked again when he gave his side of the past Fire Department issues regarding the Township Board’s unjustified firing of our Chief, and Assistant Chief, which led to the firing of our Safety Officer and the eventual termination of over two thirds of the long term devoted firefighters and some EMS volunteers. Almost all of the terminated volunteers, or marginal employees, had many more years of service to our beloved Township than most every one of the Supervisors.

We probably had a 100% response rate through all kinds of nasty weather night and day, on water, ice, or land. We had no community or visitor complaints with our service. But we had many compliments, letters written, and even money given because of our outstanding commitment and service. But what happened?

I will tell you. New Supervisors of like mind got the majority vote of all board motions, and their preconceived plans went into effect. You know John, you even told me before you were re-elected to the board that you wanted to get rid of the chief and his assistant. Why?

Back to the letter. You said we quit and left our gear behind. Did you get a letter of resignation from any of us? Not counting the one who retired because he couldn’t handle any more bs. Doesn’t it say in our Greenwood Township Personnel Policy, that you as Chairman signed on August 8, 2017, that quote, “Employees wishing to leave the Township services in good standing must provide a written resignation notice to their supervisor, at least ten days before leaving.” Did anyone give you notice? Of course not. Why would we? We had no intention of quitting! We were just trying for many months to get a meeting with the Board to negotiate the situation. Did you not see the whole Department picketing with signs out on the highway in front of the Townhall before your monthly Board meeting? Come on John. You have a Dr. degree. Couldn’t you get the hint. Did not your appointed Chief tell you many times? Did not three of the newest Supervisors in their campaign interviews state they were running for and on Transparency? But yet, these long term dedicated Firefighters, First Responders, could not even get one meeting to discuss these drastic measures that ultimately affect their safety and possible lives?

And where and when was there a written reprimand given to our officers so they could pursue a remedy through the grievance procedures established in the Township Personnel Policies? And your statement “Can you imagine telling your employer that you will pick your own boss?” In our Standard Operating Guidelines, it states “The Chief is to be approved by the town Board of Supervisors’ with consideration given to the recommendation by the membership.” Why? Because it is a dangerous job and you have to be able to trust your Chief, your officers, and all your brothers and sisters to have your back. Why do you think not one member would have voted for your Chief Maus? Exactly.

The letter that you were referring to that someone wrote stating the Fire Department requests, which you have used as evidence that we all voluntarily quit, was it signed by anyone or even dated? No. Could that be used as an official document that we were quitting or not taking 911 calls? You’re smarter than that. Of course not. It at most would be considered hearsay. But yet that night of the Board meeting that some of us showed up, two members, one a fully trained firefighter and First Responder, went on a 911 call. Later that week or beyond, there was a 911 call to the Fire Dept. for a lift assist. Rick and I responded. Luckily, because of Rick’s prior First Responder experience, we did not even try to lift the patient because of his injuries, and we called for an ambulance. Another Firefighter First Responder went on two separate 911 calls for overdoses. What does that tell you? And then you say we quit and left our gear behind. Did we turn our gear into anyone? Was there any note or discussion of why those 6? bags were there? They were 25-30 feet away from our Fire Hall. In a room where we have our Safety Meetings and sometimes training. What again was the real message? You would not meet and negotiate with us so perhaps whoever wrote that letter, was trying to force your transparency and have you meet with your Fire Department.

But your Board didn’t really care about that did you? You would cherry pick and spin the facts so they would support what you wanted to accomplish. Did you know we went the next morning to our meeting room to pick up our gear and the door was locked, and where the key use to be hidden in our office it was gone? Go figure. And why did four of us on February 21, after we supposedly quit, show up for the mandatory OSHA Blood Borne Pathogen & Right to Know training? Did you know only two others showed up. We six were the only EMS that were authorized to respond to any 911 calls. Then when we showed up the next month for training, your Chief called the Sheriffs and Police on us. Now, anyone, please tell me, does that sound like we were quitting?

Then the stalling of the #1 Fire Engine at Fortune Bay. I was driving the engine that night. When we got back to the Firehouse I said I was going to Red tag the truck. That was a Sunday night. I was told it would be reported to our officers because recently the Fuel Filter was replaced. We thought the problem was fixed. But two nights later, there was a monthly Board meeting. Our Safety Officer was informed of the truck issues and Fire Boat #1. In his report he was going to bring up the issues to the Board for their recommendation and approval to get further maintenance done. But guess what? He got fired with the Chief and Assistant Chief before he could give his report! We had a licensed mechanic and engineer on the Fire Dept. that did many, many hours of maintenance on both fire boats and our fire engines that I don’t believe they charged the department for any of their work. They volunteered for the good of the community. Every time there was an issue with our equipment we had someone looking into it even though it was not in the scope of firefighter duties. But those two issues were beyond their expertise and turned into the Safety Officer and would have been taken care of probably sooner than what they were. And those numbers you gave, I’m sure, are not for Firefighter calls. The total responses in 2022 for the group that you say quit was 115 and the four firefighters that stayed was 271? That’s foolish. Would you like to bet on those numbers?