Briefly – March 8

Speaker Johnson stands up to Biden, Dems, McConnell—demands border action

Word has begun to leak out about an “intense” meeting over government funding, the border and aid to Ukraine at the White House on Feb. 27, where Speaker of the House Mike Johnson was confronted by Mitch McConnell and the other leaders of the Democratic Party on Capitol Hill.

Speaking to Fox News on Feb. 28, Mr. Johnson was asked by anchor Sean Hannity if there was any truth to the reports. The Republican lawmaker explained that he was definitely at odds with congressional leaders over the crisis at the southern border, among other issues, during the meeting. “Well, their reports are pretty accurate. They said that I was on an island by myself, and it was me versus everyone else in the room.”

The Speaker said he brought up the border issue “repeatedly today in that room and, again, one-on-one with the president.” He added, “I think that’s our responsibility to bring that up,” and concluded his remarks by noting how “the first priority of the country is our border and making sure it’s secure.” he Capitol Switchboard is (202-224-3121), call today and tell Speaker Johnson to hang tough on the border.

Biden Family: obstruction, cover-up, and sweetheart deals

Simply put, the Bidens were successful in firing the Prosecutor General investigating Burisma and Zlochevsky and in getting the next Prosecutor General to take him off the wanted list. The Burisma case study shows the interconnected web of Joe Biden’s power, his family’s foreign business dealings, and foreign companies paying for access and influence.

It’s not goodbye, Mitch—it’s so-o-o-o long

Mitch McConnell is finally leaving, owing to advanced decrepitude and the discredit due to his demand for Ukraine funding without substantial steps to control the southern border. But if we’re going to replace McConnell with one of his mini-Mitches—GOP Senators John Thune of South Dakota, John Cornyn of Texas, and John Barrasso of Wyoming—rather than someone newer, younger, fresher, and smarter, then there’s not much celebration due at his exit. What America needs is new GOP Senate leadership across the board.

Trump leading in swing states, but will it matter?

Across all seven states, 48 percent of voters said they would back Trump, and 43 percent would back Biden. However, conservatives remain concerned that swing states run by Democrats will not conduct fair and unbiased elections or will simply cheat to ensure that Trump does not win. Ongoing investigations in the Swing States reveal hundreds of thousands of votes were altered and/or not lawfully cast in the 2020 Presidential Election.

How U.S. intel agencies manipulate media, public

We don’t have enough space on this page to go in depth with this, but it is a shocking,must-see report. The intelligence agencies have been manipulating the American people for a long time. Think “Project Mockingbird” as one example. More recently, U.S. intelligence agencies tried to sabotage Tucker Carlson’s interview with Vladimir Putin, but this interference with the press by the CIA and other agencies is nothing new, explains The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in “Behind The Deep State,” which can be accessed for free online at

American paralysis and decline

The paralysis of American government and society extends to our domestic and foreign policy as well. We deplore the terrorism of Iran and its thuggish surrogates. But we fear more the nasty, costly business of stopping its aggression. Societies do not always collapse from a lack of wealth, invasion, or natural catastrophes. Most often, they know what is destroying them. But they are so paralyzed by their fear that the road to salvation becomes too painful to even contemplate. So they implode gradually, then suddenly. -Victor Davis Hanson, American Greatness

Meet your new doctor

Meet your new doctor. His name is Tedros Ghebreyesus.

If you like your present physician, or simply don’t want someone without an M.D. making critical decisions about how your personal health is managed, brace yourself. In just 12 short weeks, a Marxist bureaucrat from Ethiopia selected by the Chinese Communists to run the World Health Organization, will be empowered to dictate what medicines you can use to treat any conditions he deems to be public health emergencies.

Dr. Tedros had only advisory authority during COVID-19. His advice proved disastrously bad.

Now, the Biden administration is secretly working to give the WHO’s Director-General the authority to compel you to obey his prescriptions. If we don’t stop them before May 27th, all of us will be surrendering our personal medical freedom – and national sovereignty – to Dr. Tedros.

Hate that prospect? Say “No” at

Frank Gaffney, Center for Security Policy