Breitung-Tower stuck with $9M-plus water filtration bid
By Terry Carlson
At the February 22nd regular meeting in Breitung it was acknowledge that the Wastewater Board, which didn’t meet in January, had extended bids for the water filtration plant to February 13th—but no new bids were received, so they are left with the $9.15 million bid from Lakehead Constructors. Currently, their accumulated funding sources fall short of that mark by about $1 million.
The reason for the lack of competitive bids is that out-of-area contractors, which have participated in past bidding processes, all have sufficient work under contract in their own local areas, so there is no need to travel elsewhere for projects. Lakehead, however, is local.
In old business, regarding the PFA Loan, the board learned that an audit is required for 2023—even though they haven’t gotten the loan yet. Because of that, the Board determined that the resolution to support a DNR Outdoor Recreation grant application is premature at this point.
Jennifer with JBJ is working on the Soudan Park Recreation Grant so that an application can be made.
Tom Gorsma gave the Road and Bridge report. There was limited plowing and sanding, and the skating rink was closed—both due to unseasonably warm temperatures. Other actions taken included jetting culverts, removing dead trees from the monument area, oil changes and maintenance on vehicles and equipment, new dock sections made for Dock #6 at McKinley Park, repair of picnic tables were completed, and cleaning and maintenance of township buildings.
Recreation reported that the skating rink was only open for 13 days this winter. There was an average of nine kids using the rink each day.
The Board approved the resolution to apply for Grant Writing assistance for the AFG grant for the fire department.
In a pre-discussion on Budget/Levy and Equipment funding, it was noted that the Board will not know the financial impact of the ambulance (an increase of at least $5,300) and the 2024 Echo Point infrastructure project until after the annual meeting.
The next three steps for the Trail Loop are to identify the exact route, estimate the cost, and obtain County right-of-way approval, then it’s on to finding other sources to help fund the project. One plus mentioned was that the County is interested in working with the township to get the loop done.
In new business:
- The Board denied a request by a resident to rent a tent—in addition to renting the Recreation Center—for a large graduation party.
- A 9-month CD was to come due on Feb 24th. The Board voted to renew $25.000 for another nine months.
- The “value-added” training provided by the Minnesota Municipal Utilities Association (MMUA), which represents the interests of Minnesota’s municipal electric, gas, and water utilities, will increase its cost to the township from $400 to $800. The Board approved the change.
- The Board made only one change to this year’s Worker’s Compensation—they chose the lowest deductible.
- The Board approved the Breitung Police Pursuit Model Policy and accepted the resignation of Officer Keith Nyman.
The Board of Audit meeting immediately followed this meeting. Upcoming Board meetings:
- Board of Canvass – Tuesday March 12th, 2024, immediately following the Election
- Annual Meeting – Tuesday March 12th, 2024, immediately following the Board of Canvass Regular Board
- Regular Board Meeting – Thursday March 28th, 2024, at 12 noon
- Reorganization Meeting – Thursday March 28th, 2024, immediately following the Regular Board Meeting.